Sunday, February 12, 2012


                                         Hello there
   Hope things are all fine! I know I have been writing a lot of apologies posts but at the moment I wasn't up to writing any blogs, doing some cool stuff/ going anywhere or taking the photos of the not-so-recent-anymore purchases that I made as a few days later from my last post my grand dad passed away.

   I was really really close with my grand dad, he was like a second dad to be and when I heard that he had left us, everything felt like falling apart. I was sad, cranky,felt really lonely and couldn't believe that he has left me. Sometimes I'm still in denial thinking that I would see my grand dad soon but well I still need to adjust. 

   He has been sick for a lot of time, like 10 years? After recovering from an illness, another one comes up. Sometimes it's a relief that he has passed away because he is not suffering anymore although I miss him terribly! But well that's life. 

   One precious dream-wish I had because I knew that it could not come true as we (meaning me and my family) knew that he did not have a lot of time with us when he got his last chronic disease was the he would accompany/ be present at my some day wedding!

   Anyways, all in all I have a lot of precious memories which I cherish  from when I was kid and I do not regret having spent all this time with him and getting to know him.


   I promise I will get back to you soon with the photos I had to take last month! I have also bought new stuff from New Look which I will take photos of too and post about them. 

   Coming up next, next weekend I am going to Gozo - a small island near Malta that forms part of Malta, for Carnival which I will post about with photos of Gozo, the costume, make-up and the stuff my friends and I will get up to do there. 

                                               Keep tuned!


Last thing I'd like to dedicate this song to my lovely Grand dad and to our loved ones that have passed away.

                                                                                                          Berry Blush

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